
Shadow the hedgehog model
Shadow the hedgehog model

shadow the hedgehog model

Add the rawfile to mod.csv, open mod.csv using notepad and add the line rawfile,character/character_mp_usmc_assault.gsc. Save the file in mods/sonic_mod/character (create a new folder called character)ĥ. This model is a fullbody xmodel, which means it doesn't have a separate model for the head, you need to comment out the original head model as well (change self attach("head_mp_usmc_tactical_mich", "", true) to // self attach("head_mp_usmc_tactical_mich", "", true) ĥ. so you can change self setModel("body_mp_usmc_assault") to self setModel("sonic") Ĥ. the setModel function sets the xmodel for the character. gsc file using a text editor such as notepad (i'm going to choose character_mp_usmc_assault.gsc)ģ. Go to raw/character and find the character model you want to replace.Ģ. To assign the model to a character go to your cod4 directoryġ. You can already compile it at this point, but the character model is just sitting there Download the sonic mod from this page, extract all files (images, materials, xmodel, xmodelparts, xmodelsurfs and mod.csv) into the sonic_mod folderand overwrite if necessary

shadow the hedgehog model

Once thats done, Ill modify a copy of sonic into shadow and make his own. Download this file:, save as compile.bat in the new sonic_mod folderĤ. Im working on a sonic model too, and the eyes are whats really bugging me. go to mods, copy ModWarfare and rename the copy to sonic_modģ. download cod4 mod tools and extract in cod4 dir -> Ģ.

Shadow the hedgehog model